How to Properly Create a Sturdy Skateboard Ramp

Monday, September 10, 2012

It is advisable to construct a skateboard ramp in a space in your home or a secluded street especially if you want to practice your skateboarding skills anytime you want. It should be easily move and disassemble for easy storage. You can construct a ramp with standard wood and two by four's if you are familiar with some building basics. You can also ask the help of your friend to make things easier.

Materials Needed In Constructing A Skateboard Ramp

BMX Trick

The materials needed are wood screws, skil-saw, 3/8 inch plywood, ¾ inch plywood and two by four's.

How to Properly Create a Sturdy Skateboard Ramp

Steps In Creating A Skateboard Ramp

Choose the design for the ramp that you want. You can either buy plans or create your own plan. Determine the size of the set-up that you want to construct. Most ramps are eight ft. wide and more than two ft. tall. The location of your masterpiece should be big enough to accommodate not only the project but the materials as well. Install a 3/4-inch wood on a flat location. Create a line up the right side until the upper portion of the ramp. This line is usually twenty-four to twenty-eight inches. Create another line to the left going to the middle of your wooden board, measuring around two ft. This will serve as the platform of your set-up.

Make a five ft. line along the lower portion of the ramp. This will serve as the bottom of the set-up. Connect the upper portion to the end portion of the deck by creating a curved line. Use a half-circle tool to make sure that the curved line has the correct measurement. Use a skill to cut the lines to ensure the smoothness of the curves. Repeat the same process on the wood for the other part of the set-up. Use two-by-four's to connect the 2 parts. They should be place at intervals where they can help strengthen the set-up. Utilize a piece of 3/8" wood for the actual ramp part. Shape it to fit the curve perfectly. Sand any rough portions of the set-up.

Additional Tips

Remember that ramp plans that are acquired online cost less or are even free compared with plans bought in home improvement stores. Your set-up can also be utilized for BMX tricks and skating. You also have to remember that creating your own designs and doing the actual building needs a basic knowledge with wood carpentry and tools.

It is advisable to ask for professional advice if you are a beginner in this area. It is better to use screws instead of nails since it holds the set-up better. Place the ramp on a concrete area or anywhere above the ground if you are planning to leave it outdoors to protect it from premature rotting. Do not forget to use safety goggles and gloves to avoid any untoward accidents.

How to Properly Create a Sturdy Skateboard Ramp


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